Wednesday, May 13, 2009

GNB Update

It's the halfway point of the work week...Here's the news...

Bring back the tax break.

That's what some conservative groups are asking Georgia lawmakers to do. The Associated Press reports that those groups want legislators to override Governor Sonny Perdue's veto of a sweeping tax break when a new session convenes next year. The governor says the struggling economy forced him to veto that measure. Had the measure passed, it would have cut the state's capital gains in half, and given tax breaks to those companies who hired the unemployed. A two-thirds majority by both the Georgia House and Senate is required to override any veto.

Expect furloughs at colleges and universities statewide very soon. Yesterday, the University System of Georgia voted to give presidents at all 35 public colleges and universities to power to furlough all faculty and staff. The new policy allows for up to 10 days of furlough to be required if needed. GPB News reports that lawmakers criticized USG Chancellor Errol B. Davis for avoiding the furloughs earlier this year. The university system is expected to be short by more than 500 million dollars over the next two years.

"Nobody is going to like my budget". Those were the feelings Macon mayor Robert Reichert expressed yesterday, as he unveiled the 2010 fiscal year budget for the middle Georgia city. The proposal calls for 33 vacant positions, as well as 21 days of salary to be cut. Those cuts will come through a combination of furloughs, and an elimination of holiday pay. He hopes that move will help Macon get through the current recession. The proposed budget will total $112 million.

That's the news. GNB is available online at, and on Twitter at Enjoy your Wednesday night.

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